16 March 2021 2024-03-15 16:06About
To preserve, defend, and advocate for West Point's history, purpose, and principles of Duty, Honor, Country.
We are graduates concerned about what we see happening at West Point.
Read Welcome Letter from the President, Colonel (retired) Bill Prince, '70

General Douglas MacArthur
Our Society is named after the accomplished 1903 West Point graduate who later become a 5-star General of the Army. Among his many great achievements, he made important reforms when he served as the Superintendent at West Point. He also gave what many call the greatest speech by a general when he spoke to cadets in 1962. Read or watch his inspiring “Duty, Honor, Country” speech:
We Support:
The U.S. Constitution, which we took an oath to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic
Elimination of political, racist, sexist propaganda at our Alma Mater
Merit-based promotion within the services based on performance
Academic courses of study that are relevant to the battlefield, leadership development, promoting national pride, patriotism and the Constitution
The traditional Honor Code prohibiting lying, cheating, stealing nor tolerating violators
Open, respectful communication and discussion