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Everything Is Wonderful at West Point

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Everything Is Wonderful at West Point

By pyrene, a USMA grad

On 11 March 2024, the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY sent a letter to all graduates saying after 18 months of deliberation with unnamed stake holders, the Senior Army leaders changed the mission statement of USMA to align it with Army Values.

Indeed, it is implied, everything is wonderful at West Point. Beat Navy!

That’s probably what the Superintendent would have written a week before the 1976 Cheating Scandal.

In fact, there many, many things that are wonderful about West Point then and now. Primarily, it is the Cadets. The young men and women at West Point are an awesome group of volunteers. Most will serve well in the Army. Most will do good things outside of the Army. The long, gray line will continue.

So, is the push back on substituting Army Values for Duty, Honor, Country in the Mission statement along with other changes much ado about nothing? An explosion of faux outrage? Cranky, old grads fuming? Red meat for Right Wing politics and uninformed Great American Public hype?

Clearly, the latest cheating scandal, which featured the Football team, indicates everything is wonderful at West Point.

When over 50% of the cadets found GUILTY by their peers of lying, cheating, stealing, or tolerating those who do – still graduate, nothing is wrong.

When cadets OD on drugs on Spring Break, that’s normal, right?

When recent graduates, some with prestigious scholarships write an insubordinate “Anti-Racist West Point” screed, our Rockbound Highland Home is still the same.

But, where did they learn to think so highly of themselves and write in Cultural Marxist gibberish?

Was only one proud Communist commissioned and then kicked out of the Army? Was it just one and done, forever, to slip through four years without being corrected?

Continuing race-based admissions is just keeping with tradition since 1969. Isn’t discriminating based on race is still necessary to meet racial quotas?

When West Point teaches DEI and CRT nothing is wrong. It’s Cultural Marxism, but criticizing it demeans the Academy. Or, does teaching it demean USMA?

West Point has annual DEI Conferences because there is so much more to learn and fix every year since the Army integrated in 1949.

When West Point supports a plethora of politically correct identity group affiliation organizations for Cadets to divide themselves based on the bogus “diversity” of race, gender, and sexual behavior that’s more wonderfulness.

When West Point culturally cleanses itself of historical correctness, it truly is aligning with the Army Values as dictated by this political Administration.

West Point’s “Teal Week” indoctrinating against Transphobia must motivate cadets for a career as an Army Officer.

Wait, a career as an Army Officer was taken out of the mission. Proper pronouns and mis-gendering must be more the stuff of a lifetime service to the Nation.

Awarding graduates with a minor in Diversity Studies demonstrates the continuing academic rigor of a degree from West Point.

When, at the ten year mark, more OCS and ROTC officers stay in the Army than West Pointers that proves nothing is wrong.

Since everything at West Point is wonderful, there’s no concern about Duty, Honor, Country being dumped from the Mission statement.

Carry on.


To preserve, defend, and advocate for West Point's history, purpose, and principles of Duty, Honor, Country.

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